Where We Work

Where we work Around the World

On this map, you can see the countries where the SOS protocol has been implemented, as well as the countries where we continue our daily work.


Countries and Territories




Since the war in Ukraine began, our entity, have launched a series of actions in order to offer and facilitate humanitarian aid for the thousands of people who are being expelled of their cities. For our entity, addressing the humanitarian emergency is part of the mechanisms that we put into operation every time there is a humanitarian crisis due to an armed or environmental conflict. And it is that our position in Europe and mainly in the countries of the East of the continent favor and facilitate that help reaches those who need it most.

Currently, more than 3,000,000 people are being refugees in countries close to Ukraine, with the aggravating circumstance that the main aid posts in the country are being destroyed.

The REMAR SOS volunteer team is ready at critical points where the migration flow is most intense, from Ukraine’s 10 cities to the final destination via Romania and Poland.

You can access the details of Remar S.O.S team’s work in Ukraine by clicking on the link below:


On September 8th, a 6.8 magnitude earthquake hit the Marrakesh region of Morocco, resulting in the loss of more than 3,000 lives and the damage or destruction of over 50,000 buildings. Immediately following the earthquake news, the Remar SOS team quickly moved to the earthquake-affected area, initiating the distribution of emergency relief supplies such as food boxes, hygiene kits, solar-powered lamps, clothing, and tents to meet the short-term shelter needs of earthquake survivors.


Due to its proximity to Ukraine, Romania serves as one of the primary gateways for Ukrainian refugees entering Europe. In response, our hotels in Romania are hosting refugees from Ukraine, providing them with warm beds, meals, and shower facilities. Not only Ukrainian refugees but also all individuals in need can benefit from our accommodations. Alongside our mobile kitchen operations, we deliver daily hot meal services to needy people across various regions of Romania. Additionally, at our drug rehabilitation centers, we treat individuals with substance dependencies, offer employment, provide housing, and facilitate their reintegration into society.

By providing this comprehensive support, we aim to alleviate the hardships faced by refugees and others affected, ensuring they receive the necessary aid to rebuild their lives and integrate smoothly into the community.


After the 7.8 magnitude earthquake hit Turkey on February 6, 2023, resulting in the destruction of approximately 300,000 apartments and the loss of over 50,000 lives, the Remar SOS team immediately set out for Turkey. Beginning from the second day of the earthquake in the Hatay region of Turkey, we initiated operations with our mobile clinic, mobile kitchen, doctors, chefs, and other volunteers to assist those affected by the disaster. You can access the details of Remar S.O.S team’s work in Ukraine by clicking on the link below:

Remar SOS In Turkey




After the conflict in Syria, the refugee crisis began abroad. Greece, Serbia and Croatia, countries where the situation was getting out of control, were the main places where S.O.S. REMAR’s action took place, giving immediate response to the needs of the refugees who were crying out for help every day. We set up tents to distribute hot food and warm clothes and, in addition, to offer a resting place for the refugees in transit. During the winter months the tents were conditioned with mobile heating systems.

We collaborate with the Greek government to establish refugee camps for individuals forced to flee their countries due to war, famine, or civil unrest, assisting in their integration. We are actively engaged in providing a range of essential services to the refugees residing in these camps, including the distribution of hot meals, food aid, hygiene supplies, and language courses. Our efforts not only facilitate their integration into the country but also help create social environments that aid in healing the traumas that forced them to flee their homelands.


Remar Italia was on the front line after the disaster caused by the earthquake in central Italy in 2016. As is our mission, fast the SOS team mobilized by sending vans with volunteers, food, blankets and all the necessary things in the affected sites. This earthquake caused almost 300 deaths. In Amatrice the volunteers worked 24 hours a day in the tents set up where the NGO Remar collaborated by offering their help. In December 2016, 20 safe containers were installed where classes were held for the children of several villages.

Currently through our rehabilitation centers in Italy, we treat drug addicts who have been ostracized from life, disconnected from society, and bring them back to life. We provide shelter, hot meals, clothing, and blankets for those living on the streets, striving to make their lives easier.


The earthquake that occurred in Haiti in 2010, measuring 7.3 on the Richter scale, was estimated to be the most intense earthquake in the area since 1770. One third of the population was severely affected, up to 3 million people, approximately 200,000 dead and high risk of diseases such as dengue fever, malaria, diarrhea and respiratory problems. The NGO Remar assisted hundreds of affected people by offering food, medicine, clothing, personal care, setting up tents and tents, light generators and emergency care points. Remar Haiti has been working in the country since January 2005 providing social assistance to marginalized population through a program of attention to minors in a social dining room for minors in extreme poverty and a Jeshua Home that takes in children and adolescents in a state of risk and/or social emergency (physical and psychological abuse, mistreatment, abandonment, malnutrition and orphanhood).


South Africa

Through our schools in South Africa,  we educate and prepare children for a better future. As a result, children can look forward to the future with hope.


Through our schools in Angola, we educate and prepare children for a better future. As a result, children can look forward to the future  and dare to dream of a brighter tomorrow.


the earthquake in Peru, which mainly affected the cities of Ica, Pisco, Chincha and Cañete; a Base Camp was set up in an area of 1,200 m2 in the district of Guadalupe-Expansión Urbana. 200 m2 in the district of Guadalupe-Expansión Urbana, with a team of technicians, masons, electricians, volunteers and missionaries ready to provide all the help to the victims in the preparation of food, medical care, clothing, food, etc., where we provided daily breakfasts and lunches to more than 1,200 people, and distributed to the families in the area, clothes, milk, shoes and toys donated and sent by REMAR Spain. In recognition of the effort and work carried out, the local municipality granted a 7,920 m2 plot of land, where REMAR built a Multipurpose Maternity and Children’s Home.


In the 2016 Earthquake in Ecuador, the earth shook in Manabi and Esmeraldas leaving thousands of homes destroyed and tens of thousands of people in great need. The international community immediately mobilized with rescue teams and material support for basic assistance and the NGO REMAR in its delegation in the Republic of Ecuador immediately put into action the S.O.S. REMAR protocol that the NGO has designed for emergency situations and that has worked successfully in the disasters in Haiti, Colombia and in the refugee crisis. S.O.S. REMAR ECUADOR went with its volunteers to the area to participate in rescue efforts and provide food and clothing to the victims of the massive earthquake that took the lives of more than 660 people. A new tent was set up in Playita Mía in the town of Turquí in the same province of Manta, where mattresses and provisions were delivered to the victims and food, breakfasts and lunches were provided to more than 500 people every day.


After the conflict in Syria, the refugee crisis began abroad. Greece, Serbia and Croatia, countries where the situation was getting out of control, were the main places where S.O.S. REMAR’s action took place, giving immediate response to the needs of the refugees who were crying out for help every day. We set up tents to distribute hot food and warm clothes and, in addition, to offer a resting place for the refugees in transit. During the winter months the tents were conditioned with mobile heating systems.


In July 2021, Remar volunteers in Germany set to work to help the population in the clean-up after the worst floods in the last 200 years. There were incalculable economic losses, billions of euros, in addition to the tragedy of the dead and missing people. It is estimated that some 200 people have died and 1300 are missing. The atmosphere was one of sadness, catastrophe and desolation.


After the conflict in Syria, the refugee crisis began abroad. Greece, Serbia and Croatia, countries where the situation was getting out of control, were the main places where S.O.S. REMAR’s action took place, giving immediate response to the needs of the refugees who were crying out for help every day. We set up tents to distribute hot food and warm clothes and, in addition, to offer a resting place for the refugees in transit. During the winter months the tents were conditioned with mobile heating systems.


After the conflict in Syria, the refugee crisis began abroad. The first Immediate Attention Points (PAI S.O.S. REMAR) were opened immediately after the outbreak of the crisis in Budapest in the Republic of Hungary, continuing to extend the action program to the different countries where the situation had overwhelmed the authorities, making it necessary and urgent for civil society to become involved in this humanitarian call for solidarity.

After the emergency situation and the alarming numbers of thousands of displaced people, REMAR moved to Budapest station, where hundreds of families remained in a situation of helplessness and disorientation. We immediately set up a dining room with capacity for one hundred people inside the station, being the only NGO to which the Hungarian authorities granted the necessary permits to distribute hot food and to be able to prepare it in the same facilities. In this first action, more than 1,000 portions of food were distributed daily during the time that the emergency situation continued at this transit point. Following the Hungarian government’s decision to close its borders, we moved to the border area of Serbia with Hungary, to a town called Horgos, acting immediately and allowing access to basic services such as clothing, food and assistance. Given the extreme situation of need, we decided to open canteens at all possible border points along the route followed by most of the displaced and refugee population.


At the outbreak of the war in Ukraine, REMAR SOS mobilized people to be sheltered in Poland, as well as opened rehabilitation centers for people with drug and alcohol problems. Moreover, it also provides help for women suffering from domestic violence, providing them with shelter.


The REMAR SOS team of volunteers arrived in Libya in 2023 to provide aid and relief in the areas most affected by the floods caused by storm Daniel, and the heavy rains that caused the collapse of two dams on the Derna River, which washed away entire neighborhoods. A maternity and children’s hospital is currently being planned for 2025


Remar Bulgaria has participated in the Remar S.O.S Syria movement for 3 months by sending volunteers to Sid, Serbia to help with the refugee crisis following the conflict in Syria.
Currently in Bulgaria there are also rehabilitation centers for people with drug problems.


In Spain we carry out various social projects such as soup kitchens, shelters, rehabilitation centers and also during the flood of 2024 in Valencia Remar SOS was present helping with drinking water, food, clothing and motor pumps to remove the accumulated water.


We currently carry out social intervention activities in five states and seven cities, with 30 homes serving more than 1,500 people.

In 2024 In an unprecedented act of solidarity and commitment, Remar SOS Brazil has deployed a major effort to provide assistance to communities affected by the devastating floods in Rio Grande do Sul. In collaboration with partner companies and institutions, the organization has undertaken a 2200 km journey to deliver an emergency load of essential donations.


Hurricane Otis, which made landfall in Acapulco, Guerrero, on October 25, 2023 left 250,000 families homeless and without basic resources. REMAR set up five food delivery points in Acapulco, where more than 1,000 meals a day were delivered.


On February 2, 2024 in Chile, after more than 10,000 hectares suffered a fire, Remar SOS arrived on the scene to provide humanitarian aid.


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