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Remar SOS In Ukraine

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REMAR SOS works by developing multiple primary aid and social integration programs through its national delegations in, all the countries where it operates.

Taking into account the specific needs of each place, adapting its action to local needs.

Border mission

Nadab, Romania

As soon we came to the boarder we saw that everyone was ready to help with hygenic materials and food. But we discovered that people just wanted to leave the country.

So we started the project “Rescuing You” opening our centres for refugees:

  • Siret, Milisaut, Oradea, Nadab in Romanial:
  • Przemysl, Rzeszow in Poland:

Sofia in Bulgaria:

  • Milano, Torino, Rome in Italy; Doren Voralberg in Austria; Zürich, Basel in Switzerland; Stuttgart, Augsburg, Frankfurt, Hamel in Germany;
  • Madrid, Alicante, Barcelona, Castellón, Valencia, Sevilla in Spain; Lisbon, Oporto in Portugal.

Hotel For Refugees

The nearest countries with which you can cross the border are still Romania and Poland, thats why we created the opportunity to rest in the hotel initially for 150 women with children and for elderly people. Now the need for intensive resettlement has decreased and we continue providing accommodation assistance to 30 people per month. Accommodation is accompanied by 3 meals a day, we also help people set up lost documents and receive medical treatment.

Rzeszov, Poland

Hotel For Refugees

In Poland we provide accommodation assistance to 65 people per month. We provide 3 meals a day, helping with clothes needs, medical treatment and documents. Also we provide women programs and pet therapy as a participation of pets in the treatment and prevention of mental and emotional disorders.

Missions In Ukraine

Lviv mission

  • 220m2 Tent size
  • 450+People every day
  • 140+Tones of humanitarian boxes delivered

Since the war in Ukraine began, our entity, have launched a series of actions in order to offer and facilitate humanitarian aid for the thousands of people who are being expelled of their cities. For our entity, addressing the humanitarian emergency is part of the mechanisms that we put into operation every time there is a humanitarian crisis due to an armed or environmental conflict. And it is that our position in Europe and mainly in the countries of the East of the continent favor and facilitate that help reaches those who need it most.

Currently, more than 3,000,000 people are being refugees in countries close to Ukraine, with the aggravating circumstance that the main aid posts in the country are being destroyed.

REMAR SOS team of volunteers is present in the critical points of greatest influx of people, from within Ukraine to their final destination point, either through Romania or Poland..


When a full-scale offensive began and many cities of Ukraine, especially in the north, were destroyed, people evacuated to the west of Ukraine, in turn, this region was overloaded with people, because in March, more than 4,000 people moved to Lviv at the same time.

We decided to help people to be able to get food every day, as many people were left without work or without homes and without access to food. It should also be noted that the prices of products have tripled since the spring.

So we fed people a full lunch that included soup, a second course, coffee and a treats every day.

When we established deeper relationships with people, we began to learn about people’s needs more deeply and acted individually. They helped in various spheres of personal life and also organized the distribution of humanitarian boxes every month.

Humanitarian Boxes Distribution

During the entire time of our work in Lviv, together with our volunteers, we distributed 140 tons of humanitarian aid, which included food and hygiene products.

Medical Care

We also directly conducted medical examinations with our doctors daily using a medical clinic on wheels. The portable clinic allowed patients to be examined in a modern interpretation of a ward in a car with all examination devices and accompanying medical equipment. As well as medical treatment.

Medical Aid

Nursing House

One of the programs that were created during our mission in Lviv was a home for the elderly. Built by two refugees from Kharkiv whose hosting elderly people. At the same time, 30+ elderly people including people with disabilities, are kept on the basis of the old hotel where the nursing home is located.

We provided different types of resources each week throughout the autumn period. These are cargoes

with humanitarian aid and ready meals. Also, soul and spiritual care, spending time together with the old women became no less valuable.

Rivne mission

  • 600m2 Tent size
  • 3000 People every week
  • 200+Hot meals everyday

Heating Center

On the eve of the onset of cold weather, we noticed another problem.

Due to the constant damage to the infrastructure in Ukraine, its resources were exhausted. The country could not provide all regions with uninterrupted electricity at the same time, mass blackouts began, people were left without heating, light, sometimes without the possibility to cook at home/charge gadgets, without communication.

We enlisted the support of the mayor of the city and built a tent of six hundred square meters with built-in wooden walls and a floor. We drew the tent into separate sections as needed:

  • Hub area Zone where people can rest, communicate with others. Charge their gadgets, watching movies.
  • Dining area Zone is designed for taking hot dishes during the lunch we provide and tea with sweet treats.
  • Co-working area Created to work with laptop or internet meetings.
  • Children’s section Zone of children’s entertainment, games and space for communication. For kids we creating a special programs during the week to support this little community.
  • Clinic This zone is intended for the first medical examination, determined by the specialist and medical treatment. You can also determine your sugar level & blood pressure here, or get recommendations for further treatment.
  • Wardrobe This area is intended for issuing clothes to those in need. We have a special days of giving clothes to people trough registration to be sure about real need & to solve it.

Chernivtsi mission

  • 1200m2 Tent size
  • 3 Meals each day
  • 2000+Portions each day
  • 400 Boxes of food every week
  • 500Tones of food delivered


Chernivtsi was the first Remar SOS spot in Ukraine. During we build the tent, we have already shared food with more than 300 refugees each day on the street the one want to cross the border with Romania, In March we opened a tent for sharing food, for sleep, for medical care, clothes and a play zone for kids. Chernivtsi is the first and still the biggest Remar Spot in Ukraine.

We have weekly programs with kids, women meetings and sport programs with refugees.

Mostyska mission

  • 600m2 Tent size
  • 3 Meals each day
  • 100 Families
  • 6 Month of support

Camp For Refuges

Mostyska is one of the nearest cities located near to Shegyny, a checkpoint through the state border of Ukraine on the border with Poland. Where queues for the passage of refugees sometimes lasted more than 3 days. Because of the long journey and waiting, people were exhausted, and some had physical disabilities, families with small children. We decided to build a tent where we could take care of 100 families at the same time. The families lived in a tent and received 3 meals a day.

Small missions

Chortkiv City

  • 1600 Bags of humanitarian aid

We had the great privilege of being useful in a town called Chortkiv. It’s a small town near Ternopil, where we helped the refugees sheltered in the city from the hot spots of Ukraine with food kits and essential hygiene products. We brought our clinic on wheels with us to help being examinated with the doctor. As well as we had a great time with people during the service after a doctor’s examination, we shared medical supplies.

Turka city

  • 1200 Bags of humanitarian aid

The needs of internally displaced people, who were forced to leave the places of hostilities, touched almost all corners of western Ukraine. Many people found shelter in the Turka’s urban territorial community.

We had a few trips to Turka city with humanitarian boxes distribution and medical care which were provided by our doctors in clinic on wheels. And kitchen van was producing hot meal for refugees to make humanitarian distribution more joyful.


  • 2000 Packages of humanitarian aid

Back in the spring, Kharkiv suffered catastrophic destruction, shelling did not stop for many months. Most of the city was destroyed and is still under fire. In Kharkiv, we gave out our humanitarian aid, amounting to 2,000 packages to the affected families.


  • 800 Bags of humanitarian aid

Irpin is one of the most suffered small cities located near Kyiv, The city was under occupation and lost many of their citizens. As well as the psychological affection they lost their opportunity to live in safe environment, homes and opportunity to keep working & living life same before. Together with our team we reached there many times to share humanitarian aid packages.


  • 400 Bags of humanitarian aid

The village of Voronkiv is located just a few minutes from the city of Kyiv. In this village, we were able to distribute 400 boxes of humanitarian aid to the refugees of the region.


  • 2000 Bags of humanitarian aid

On July 14th, one of the 10 largest terrorist attacks on civilian objects in Ukraine took place in Vinnytsia.

A total of 55 multi-apartment and private residential buildings were damaged and destroyed as a result of the shelling. Many injured and wounded, death people. A lot of people sought help, including refugees who were in the city. Our team sent our humanitarian help to Vinnytsia several times.

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